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Please send requests, questions, comments, corrections, etc. to You may also leave a message on Facebook @GermanRussianSettlementLocations or on Twitter @grsl1763.


This website and the Google maps associated with it were created and maintained by me. It is not associated with or sponsored by any organization. It does not accept any form of advertising, paid sponsorship, or monetary donations.

I receive no compensation for this work. This is a “pay it forward” website. If you like what you see on this site, if it's helped you in your research or understanding of the role of Germans from Russia in history, and you want to give, please consider paying it forward by donating to the genealogy society, historical society or university archive of your choice.

The content on this website was researched, documented and is presented “as is” with no warranty. As it is a work in progress, errors may occur and some location data may be subject to change. Corrections to content will be made if appropriate and adequate documentation is provided.

Sandy Schilling Payne


Cell: +1 571-303-8453


Address: 1910 E. Ganymede Dr.

Oro Valley, Arizona 85737


Page last updated January 4, 2020